Capture 3 SI Supervisor Actors Immoral and Khamar

aceh-berlakukan-hukuman-cambuk Sharia police whipping a man convicted of adultery in Aceh.(dock)


TRANSINDOENSIA.CO – Wilayatul hisbah Officer (WH) or supervisors of Islamic law (SI), Banda Aceh arrested three violators of Islamic law in the capital of Aceh province.

“They were arrested early this morning. Nasty Two of these related cases, and do a wine (liquor),” said the Head of Legislation and Enforcement of Islamic Law municipal police / WH Evendi in Banda Aceh Banda Aceh on Wednesday.

Third in violation of Islamic law, namely the initials U.S., violating Aceh Qanun No. 12 Year 2004 on wine or liquor.

Then the man with the initials S and her friends DA. They were arrested for violating Aceh Qanun No. 14 of 2004 on seclusion or nasty.

Performers drunk wine or initials U.S., he said, secured while sitting in front of a salon in the Peunayong, Kuta Alam sub-district, Banda Aceh.

“The perpetrator was arrested around 02:00 pm. When arrested, the perpetrators tried to hide bottles of liquor in the chair occupied by her. Liquor in the bottle by half again,” said Evendi.

He said it will coordinate with the municipal police and the Aceh province WH investigations related to the wine. Therefore, municipal police and the WH investigator province has power.

“Our investigators limited power. So, for the next investigation, we asked for help municipal police and provincial WH follow that the case could be tried,” said Evendi.

While the two actors nasty, he added, was arrested while sitting on the edge of the embankment Krueng (river) in the region of Aceh Peunayong. They captured exactly behind a hotel in that place.

Both actors nasty was recorded live at the Village (village) Like a. They were arrested based on public reports at around 2:30 pm.

“When he was arrested, they had fled. Having pursued, eventually married couples is not secured officer. Nowadays, they’re more advanced in the process of law,” said Evendi.(nt/jei/don)

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