Australians Arrested Involved Pedophilia in Bali

TRANSINDONESIA.CO – Pd Area of Bali catch a citizen of Australia, RA, aged 70 years, who are suspected to be involved the case of pedophilia against four victims in Denpasar three years ago.

“We’re the middle of conducting an investigation and the investigation of cases of sexual abuse by RA in Bali,” said Head Field of a Public Relations That Bali, The Great Hery Wiyanto in Denpasar, Tuesday (12/1/2016).

According to him, RA was arrested in one house in Selemadeg, District Tabanan, on Monday (11/1/2016) at around 18.30.

There is no resistance from the grandfather who has long settled on the Island of Dewata is that when arrested by members of the police department.

To the press, Hery explain chronologically the arrest of RA based on the information society to the police department.

Related why the new revealed the beginning of the year 2016, Hery explains that there is no society reported case of harassment that but the police finally moves based on the information of the public who often see RA taking the kids to her house.


“This is the result of the investigation members. After getting the information this case, members then investigate and follow the suspect,” he said.

From the investigation, the police found four victims of the women who all come from Denpasar with the age of the average over the 10 years was harassed about three years ago.

The police have also asked for statements of five witnesses who supposedly know the motion of the suspect for this.

Modusnya used suspect, to Hery, with taking the kids to her house and be bathed.

“With mode take the kids to his place and be bathed. There do sexual abuse,” he said.

The victim, then given the amount of things like clothes and slippers and given money big Rp200.000.

Police currently still exploring the case and the suspect is still a lot of casualties given of a police investigation, RA often times bum boys to his house.

Hery claimed that his side have got evidence of the beginning of the following statements of witnesses and results in visum the victim as well as evidence of other of the search warrant on the home of a suspect.

Suspect RA at this time to House the Prisoners That Bali and waited for the lawyer to assist the examination.

Police charge RA with article 76 letters E junco article 80 Law Number 35 year 2004 changes to the Laws Number 23 about the Protection of Children with a penalty of up to five years in prison.(Ant/Oki)
