The citizens of Tunisia Died on your back in Jakarta

TRANSINDONESIA.CO – Citizen of Tunisia, Youssef Selmi, 49 years old, was found dead in the rooming house on the Road Halim Prime Kusuma, Jakarta East, on Thursday (7/1/2016).

Selmi dead with a position sprawled.

Head of Sub Part a Public Relations Polres Metro Jakarta East, Police Commissioner, Husaima explain, Selmi first discovered by his friend Baubaker Ben Dhaou, 38 years. When found, Selmi’s in no state to live.

“Because there is no answer, Baubaker open the bedroom door and saw the victim already in position sprawled with eyes melotot and mouth open,” said Police Commissioner, Husaima, Friday (8/1/2016).


Statements of witnesses, Dayati, a housemaid in the home rooming house Selmi, express, he still saw the victim washing dishes in the kitchen at 0600 hours local time before it was shot dead.

Of results if the scene of the crime, have not found signs of violence or wounds. Police Sector of Metro Makasar, Jakarta East, suspect the victim died because of the pain, lantaran from the description of a number of witnesses known at this time Selmi middle of the hospital and live after the street in two hospitals, namely the Hospital Pilgrims and the Hospital Budi Asih.

Although so, the body of Selmi’s been taken to the Hospital Polri Kramat Teak for further investigations.(Min)
