Insurance Victim Of AirAsia Don’t Get Paid, This Attitude Jonan

Insurance Victim Of AirAsia Don't Get Paid, This Attitude Jonan.
Insurance Victim Of AirAsia Don’t Get Paid, This Attitude Jonan.

TRANSINDONESIA.CO – Minister of the Nexus (Munhub) Ignasius Jonan throws the letter to the Chairman of the Supreme Court (MA) RI. Letter is intended to speed up the issue of the deed of death victim of the plane crash AirAsia QZ 8501.

To know, to this day not all victims of the crash air Asia QZ 8501 get compensation from the airlines. This lantaran still get hit with legal documents like the deed of death.

Based on a copy of a letter received Okezone, in the letter the Ministry’s Nexus refers to some Laws (CONSTITUTION) and article. The following is a copy of a copy of the letter, Wednesday (17/6/2015).

Pointing at a letter of the Director General port authority Air before number: UM.208/3/7/DJRU.DAU-2015 date 21 May 2015 of a course that’s related to the process penetapan deed of death victim of the plane crash air PT Indonesia AirAsia QZ 8501. The necessity of Kemenhub ask penetapan the law of Chairman MA RI on things.

According to LAW number 1 Year 2009 about Aviation, article 178 paragraph 1 mentions the passengers were in the aircraft that is missing, presumed dead, when in a period of three months after the date of the aircraft to land at the destination end is not obtained news about ihwal passenger area, without the necessary verdict of the court. The right reception over losses can be submitted after passing a period of three months as intended in paragraph (1).

In accordance with the LAW number 23 Year 2006 about the Administration Kependudukan as it has been amended last by LAW number 24 year 2013 article 44 paragraph 4 mentions in things happen ketidakjelasan the existence of someone because of missing or dead but never found his body, entering by Officials Entering Civilian new do after any penetapan court.

Have diterbitkannya a letter from Hq Polri about the Date Time and Place of Death of Victims of the Plane Crash PT Indonesia AirAsia QZ8501, which the plan will be used as the basis for issuing a deed of death for victims who have yet to be found.

With a difference provisions referred to in points 1a and 1b at the top, then it takes penetapan the law of MA RI to be the bottom’s a clockwork Deed of Death for the victims haven’t been found or identified, given the existence of the Deed of Death is very important for heirs or the victim’s family not only to take care of compensation over losses PT Indonesia AirAsia QZ8501 but also to take care of all the civil rights of the victim and heir.(okz/met)
