Loitering In prisoners Rudenim Pekanbaru Riau Expo

Foreign prisoners in Rudenim.(doc)
Foreign prisoners in Rudenim.(doc)

TRANSINDONESIA.CO – Dozens of immigrants from various countries of conflict such as Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh occupant immigration detention center (Rudenim) Pekanbaru seem to be free to roam around the location of the Expo 2014 event in Riau Pekanbaru Full MTQ.

“I came here because it is not prohibited,” said Hashim, an Afghan immigrant who met while visiting a number of booths at the Expo in Pekanbaru Riau, on Wednesday (24/09/2014) afternoon.

Hashim was not alone, he is seen with a number of friends and family around the complex MTQ Full implementation of the provincial government in the exhibition show it.

Other immigrants from Pakistan, Syed, said the event had come to visit to Riau Expo to let go of tired after a day of work.

“We are not forbidden to come out, we also actually put to work to earn money by officers,” he said.

Both immigrants from Pakistan and Afghanistan claimed to have over three years in an asylum permit Rudenim Pekanbaru wait to get to Australia.

They claimed to know little about Indonesian because it has quite often mingle with local communities.

Pekanbaru Rudenim parties related to the number of immigrants who confirmed roam without escort was not given peneryataan.

Previously, Pekanbaru City Police officers also have repeatedly catch illegal immigrants from some countries, especially Afghanistan conflict.

Lastly on a few weeks ago, police securing five teens who fled Afghanistan citizens of Rudenim Bogor.

The results of the monitoring, the asylum seekers are also commonly seen in a number of nightclubs, the man with her host and some of the women are often seen along the male citizens of Indonesia.(ant/ful)
