33 citizens negera Tiongkok suspected as cabal cheats arrested.(doc)
TRANSINDONESIA.CO – A Citizen Tiongkok Siau Pei (25) was killed lantaran jump from the building to the second floor when the officer That Metro Raya were raiding a house mewash on the Market Week, South Jakarta.
“The victim tried to escape by jumping from the second floor so died in the crash,” said Head Subdirektorat Crime and Violence Directorate Reserse Criminal Public That Metro Raya Ajun Big the Police Commissioner Herry Heryawan when confirmed in Jakarta, Wednesday (6/5/2015) the middle of the night UNTIL Thursday (7/5/2015) in the morning.
Herry said the incident started when officers were raiding a fancy house suspected as a place of shelter on the Road Kenanga Number 44 HOUSEKEEPER 07/02 Cilandak East Market Week, South Jakarta on Wednesday at around 20.00 WIB.
However, a citizen’s illegal it in his room to escape with a way to jump from the second floor of the building house shelter.
The victim allegedly died at the scene of the crime, then the officer brought the body Siau Pei to the Hospital Polri Jakarta Kramatjati East ln order to undergo an autopsy.
33 Secured
Earlier, the officer That Metro Raya raid the house and secured the 33 Citizens Tiongkok document without official permission.
Herry suspect the people that alien is a syndicate fraud through cyber crime online with the target victim’s fellow citizens Tiongkok who are in Tiongkok.
Besides illegal, Herry also mentioned some of the citizens of that alien is a victim of human trafficking. Ln order to follow up on the case, the party That Metro Raya coordinate with the Directorate general of Immigration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Embassy People’s Republic of Tiongkok to Indonesia and Subdirektorat Cyber Crime Agency Reserse Criminal Hq Polri.(dam)