Jealous, WN Singapore Killed Stabbed


TRANSINDONESIA.CO – Ahmad Bin Suri (52), residents of Singapore who live in housing BTN Flag Charm, Block A, number 10, Ampenan, Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, was stabbed by a suspect identified as S (35) on Saturday (24 / 1/2015). The perpetrator allegedly stabbed the victim as a result of his wife’s jealous EN (27) are so familiar with the victim.

Ampenan police chief Police Commissioner Yuswanto Arief said, around 21:30 pm, the perpetrators came to visit her two children who lived with his mother, EN, at the victim’s home. EN himself working as a housekeeper at the victim’s home.

“When I was at home the victim, the perpetrator committed abuses that led to the death. Allegedly, jealous and angry perpetrator to the victim as a result of its proximity to his wife, “said Arief, Sunday (25/1/32015).

Arief said, the perpetrator stabbed the victim seven times in the head, neck, and shoulder with a sharp object. After that, the offender to surrender to the people who then took him to the police.

According to him, due to his actions subject to Article 338 of the Criminal Code offenders with a maximum prison sentence of nine years. Currently actors Mapolres secured in Mataram.

The victim was in Hospitals NTB for post-mortem. The police are trying to contact the victim’s family in Singapore through the embassy. EN-law, Mulyoto, say, after persecuting the victim, the perpetrator contacted him and explained that he did the abuse while under the influence of alcohol.

“He (actor) his temper, like booze, and worked odd jobs,” said Mulyoto. (ol/sun)
