6 Volcano Alert, 14 Wary

Gunung Sinabung masih bererupsi.(Don)
Mount Sinabung.(Don)

TRANSINDONESIA.CO – Mount Soputan located in South Minahasa and Southeast Minahasa, North Sulawesi, promoted to the status by PVMBG Geological Agency of Alert (level 2) into Standby (level 3) starting on Friday (12/26/2014) 03.00 pm.

“This increase is based on visual observation of the Mount Soputan observed white smoke thin-medium, high range 50-200 m. Seismicity Mount Soputan showed an increase. People are encouraged not perform activities within a radius of 6.5 km from the summit of Mount Soputan, “said Head of Data Information and Public Relations BNPB, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho.

According to him, there should be no refuge for nearby residents are at 8 km from the summit.

Thus there are currently 6 Standby status of Mount Gamalama, Mount Slamet, Sinabung, Mount Karangetang, Mount Lokon, and Mount Soputan.

The increase in the status of this mountain does not occur simultaneously, but depending on the activity of individual mountain, eg Mt Lokon alertness since 24-7-2011 till now, Mount Karangetang since 3-9-2013, while Gamalama (18-12-2014) , Mount Slamet (12-8-2014), and Mount Sinabung (8-4-2014).

Standby status means that the mountain is moving in the direction of the eruption, the increased seismic intensive, and all the data showed activity continues to eruption immediately or go to the state that can lead to disaster.

Meanwhile, 14 mountain is Mount roar alert status, Sangeangapi, Rokatenda, Mother, Lewotobi Women, Gamkonora, pandayan, Bromo, Semeru, Gutters, Anak Krakatau, Merapi, Dukono, and Kerinci. Meaning alert status is no increase in seismic activity and other volcanic events above the normal level.

People are encouraged improve preparedness and comply with government recommendations. Do not move in a predetermined radius PVMBG. Society will celebrate the new year 2015 with a mountain to climb, should comply with the ban. Ask the volcano observation post officer or local BPBD.(don)
