Seven police WN Leave Afghanistan to the Immigration

Warga negara asing ditahan karena tidak memiliki dokumen yang sah.(dok)Foreign nationals arrested for not having valid documents.(doc)
Foreign nationals arrested for not having valid documents.(doc)


TRANSINDONESIA.CO – Police Bengkalis, Riau, has awarded seven Afghan nationals caught entering without valid documents to the local immigration to undergo further processes.

“Previously, they had our interrogation or questioning. No document or letter UNHCR (the organization that takes care of immigrant conflict countries) that we found,” said Police Chief Adjunct Commissioner Bengkalis Andry Wibowo told Reuters by telephone in Pekanbaru, Sunday (14 / 9/2014).

Seventh illegal immigrants according to police records each with Jamil (31), Ali Mirad (16), Tahir Jawid (35), Shamsullah (17), Mohammad Shafir (21) and Mustafa (21).

“They are secured by police Saber few days ago while in the Toyota Avanza car crossed the Trans-Bengkalis Dumai, precisely in the city of Thorns,” he said.

Police Chief said, when questioned, the average of these immigrants do not understand Indonesian, but members then try to translate a sentence in the English language.

“They may go through Dumai port to Jakarta. And there may be new they would seek protection or even to work and settle down,” he said.

Chief of Police said, after being sent to Immigration, immigrants seventh possibility it will be secured to the immigration detention center (Rudenim) in Pekanbaru.

Previous Pekanbaru Police also managed to secure five immigrants from Afghanistan who is still a teenager.

All five were then submitted to Rudenim Pekanbaru to receive treatment process in accordance with UNHCR standards.(ant/ful)
