13 Somalis Rudenim Entrusted in Medan

rutan-Rudenim-Medan Immigration detention center (Rudenim) field. (dock)


TRANSINDONESIA.CO – A total of 13 Somalis without having documents such as passports, deposited in the immigration detention center (detention center) on Belawan Medan.

Chief Immigration Detention Field, Purbanus Sinaga in Medan, Tuesday (15/07/2014), said the foreigners, submitted to the Office of Immigration Medan legal institutions.

Dozens of Somalis, according to him, received in Rudenim Medan, North Sumatra, on Wednesday (07/02/2014) afternoon and they immediately put in a holding cell room.

“Before detained in the detention center, Somalis had a chance to roam in the city of Medan, and finally secured the Immigration officers in the area,” said Purbanus.

He said the police officer, on Friday (06/27/2014) afternoon also submit as many as 14 people of Somalia to the detention center field.

In fact, the foreign person was wandering in a number of legal institutions in Belawan and Medan.

“Somalis are asked to be given the job, because they are willing to be a citizen of Indonesia,” said Karudenim.

Previously, the number of foreign nationals in Medan detention center there were 256 people and has now grown to 269 people, and growing every month.

Information obtained to mention, that 13 Somalis from Malaysia and into Indonesia illegally through Belawan Port.

However, Somalis had fled the camp sites in Malaysia, as promised long enough to be sent to Australia.

The data obtained in the detention center of Medan, the number of foreigners in July 2014, there were 269 people, some of them namely, the Afghans (26), Bangladesh (11), Palestine (17 people), Myanmark Rohingya (59), Somalia (58 people), and Sri Lanka (30 people).

Then, the citizens of Iran (17 persons), Sudan (22), Eritrya (2 persons), South Africa (1), Pakistan (9 people), Taiwan (1) and Nepal (1). (ant/don )
