Prabowo: The Important People Prosper

prabowo-capres-debat-2014Calon presiden nomor 1

TRANSINDONESIA.CO – presidential candidate Prabowo said whoever won the election of President and Vice President in 2014, most of Indonesian people prosperous, he said after the Candidates Debate at the Hotel Gran Melia, Jakarta, Sunday (15/06/2014).

“Whoever wins, which is important for us to prosper, secure. It wants Prabowo, Hatta Rajasa and our coalition. Insha Allah Indonesian secure, prosperous and prosperous, “says Prabowo.

If his partner later elected as President and Vice President, Prabowo said he respected the decision and its coalition as a mandate from the people of Indonesia.

“If people gave a mandate to Mr. Joko Widodo and Mr. Jusuf Kalla, we will respect. Most importantly Indonesia is safe, happy and prosperous, “said the presidential candidate number 1.

In the implementation of the presidential debate, Begawan economic son, Sumitro Djojohadikusomo agrees it was one of the presidential program Joko Widodo thinking about the creative economy.

“I agree with you Joko Widodo. The period should baseball agree? If future baseball great idea to agree. Sorry yes, this time I did not follow my counsel, “Prabowo said as he turned to the successful team behind it.

During the debate several times a session break, Prabowo appeared several times to the transit lounge rest accompanied Akbar Tanjung, Amien Rais and Hary Tanoesoedibjo.

The second debate between presidential candidates guided by the moderators of Brawijaya University, Ahmad Erani Yustika, with the theme of Economic Development and Social Welfare.(pk /sof)
