Garut Rice Exported to America and Dubai

beras garutU.S. rice demand from Garut and Dubai.(dock)

TRANSINDONESIA.CO – Instant Rice liwet Thousand and One (1001) have been exported to America and Dubai as much as 5 tons of rice in early 2014.

“We have one-time export to Dubai and the United States alone in 2014,” said company chairman Liwet Arabian Rice (1001) Andris Wijaya in Garut, Sunday (18/05/201)

He said that the rice has been exported as many as one thousand containers of 20 boxes, each box of 10 thousand for the state of Dubai and America. Export rice is done formally through an import-export agent of food in Jakarta is then sent to the destination country by ship.

“We officially rice export is not done alone but we use another party in Jakarta, and very helpful for us, ” said a young businessman from Garut, West Java.

He reveals the two countries beginning in 1001 when it asked for rice exhibition in Malaysia and several other exhibitions in the country. Through the exhibition has helped marketing of processed rice liwet 1001 brands abroad.

“We hope the marketing of rice in 1001, more broadly, targeting other countries like Hong Kong, the Netherlands , and Australia,” he said.

Besides ekpsor to Dubai and America , he said, rice is also much in demand in 1001 liwet Indonesian citizens who live in a number of Asian countries including Brunei, Singapore and Japan.

“Usually people that carry their own Indonesian rice when returning to Indonesia in 1001, so do not be exported directly by us,” said Andris.

Meanwhile liwet instant rice 1001 rice mixed with raw materials sarinah agricultural areas planted in Garut. Rice liwet have a variety of flavors typical Sundanese food that can be cooked quickly using a rice cooker ” Rice Cooker “. (ANT/ATS)
