Rich ‘ngejek’, so Vice President SBY Consider PPP

sekjen pppRomahurmuziy the Secretary-General.(ist)


TRANSINDONESIA.CO , Jakarta – Romahurmuziy the Secretary-General said he began thinking to provide support to the Chairman of the Democratic Party Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to be a candidate for vice president.

“There are thought to ask the SBY to be a vice presidential candidate , is not messing around, this is serious,” said Secretary General PPP PPP Romahurmuziy Offic , street Diponegoro, Saturday ( 04/19/2014 ).

He said that thought arises because people are tired of presidential candidate communication patterns that exist . While politeness Yudhoyono as Chairman of the Democratic Party

congratulated the winning party pileg a polite attitud.
“It suddenly appeared. Due to the lack of progress presidential communication patterns, people have been apathetic. SBY mannered attitude raises new hopes of our people especially melancholy,” he said.

“The indication I encountered proves electability SBY still high , namely 50 % in Jokowi and Prabowo,” said Romi. Although not directly want SBY as a running mate, it recognizes up to now there is no political communication made ​​to the PPP political party including the Democratic Party.

“No communication, only an idea rather than let the idea roll – go visit, but there are no results,” he said.(mtv/yan)
