Indonesia Takes 15 years Longer So developed countries

The monument at night day.(ist)
The monument at night day.(ist)

TRANSINDONESIA.CO-Government currently designing a new design to spur industrial growth in Indonesia over the long term. The hope, in the next 15 years, Indonesia could become the new industrialised countries.

The Director General of the International Industrial Cooperation of the Ministry of industry, Agus Tjahajana said, a country can be said to progress, if the role of the industry at least is already 40 per cent to GDP (gross domestic product).

“While the industrial contribution, Indonesia currently is still far from that number. So, this becomes our heavy duty in the next few years, “he said on Tuesday (1982014).

Agus did not explain in detail what sort of design accelerating industrial growth the new Indonesia. However, one of the key points that he said was the need to spur the industry components and capital goods nationwide on an ongoing basis.

In doing so, Indonesia would not too dependent on imported goods in both branches of the industry.At the moment, said Agus, Indonesia will import raw materials and components is still high, i.e. an average of 70 percent of the total import value in Indonesia each year.

Meanwhile, imports of capital goods in the country by 20 percent per year.Therefore, he hopes the industrial raw materials and capital goods in the country could be grown again in the next few years.

“Assuming the industrial growth of just one percent annually, then Indonesia could become the new industrialised countries in 15 years,” he added.(rol/sis)
