The House of Representatives Approve Amnesty, Baiq Nuril: Don’t Have More Like Me
TRANSINDONESIA.CO – The smile convicted of the Electronic Information and Transaction Law (ITE Law), Baiq Nuril Maknun, again expanded after the DPR contributed a proposal for amnesty by the president in the 23rd plenary session during the Vth plenary session of 2018 Session Year – 2019. Baiq Nuril hopes that no other woman will issue the same thing she experienced.
“I hope so, do not arrive, starting from this moment, don’t let me have anything. I like it so much, don’t get it. I hope not to be there,” he hoped as reported by dvri
In addition, he also hopes that women will be more courageous in their voices as compilation gets sexy abuse. He also reminded that women do not provide a second opportunity for harassers. “Even if it happens to you once, don’t give a chance for the second time. You have to fight for voices,” he said.
Baiq who was accompanied by his child was unrelenting. Thank you to all those who helped him from the start. “Thank you to the President, thank you to the members of the Indonesian House of Representatives, thanks to Ms. Rieke, thank you to all the authorities, thank you to the institutions that I cannot mention one by one,” said Baiq in Kompleks Parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta On Thursday (7/25/2019).
In addition, he also provided a desire to return quickly to the house in Lombok. He also claimed not to know whether he would return to being a teacher or not.
The House of Representatives finally requested the President’s pardon approval for the convicted Information and Electronic Transaction Law (ITE Law) Baiq Nuril Maknun. This agreement was taken through a second level decision at the 23rd plenary session of the 2018/2019 V Year Session session led by Deputy Speaker of the House Utut Adianto as chairman of the session.
“Will the DPR’s Commission III report regarding the consideration of giving amnesty to sister Baiq Nuril Maknun be supported?” Utut asked to the session forum which was immediately attended by the words of approval from all DPR members who attended the plenary meeting at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (07/25/2019). [ROL]