Kris Hatta Overnight at the Polda Metro Detention Center

TRANSINDONESIA.CO – After staying overnight, artist Kris Hatta, who was arrested by the Metro Jaya Polda investigator, related to the alleged persecution case that was issued by Antony Hillenaar, stayed at the Polda Metro Detention Center.

Kris Hatta was taken thanks to Antony’s report with a police report number: LP / 2109 / IV / 2019 / PMJ / Dit. Reskrimum on 6 April 2019.

“Yeah right, I have been arrested and arrested in (Detention Center) Polda Metro Jaya. He was detained for the next 20 days, “said the Head of Metro Jaya Police Public Relations, Pol. Comr. Argo Yuwono, yesterday.

Reports of alleged persecution took place on April 6 at one of the nightlife venues of Dragonfly, South Jakarta. Kriss Hatta is involved in a fight with one of the roles. Antony had a good intention to dissolve the dispute. However, the suspect who could immediately release Antony on the face of the nose and was punished by Antony bleeding and breaking

“According to the reporter, he saw the results of the dispute with the reported party. The reporter succeeded in breaking up, but had not succeeded in breaking up, he was hit, “said Argo.

For his actions, Kriss Hatta was charged under Article 351 of the Criminal Code with the threat of a prison sentence of 2 years 8 months. [MIL]
