Brunei Citizen Mode Cheaters Arrested

TRANSINDONESIA.CO – The Metro Jaya Regional Police have won a gang of fraudsters in fashion pretending to be citizens of Brunei Darussalam who sell 500 units of cellphones. Three suspects with the initials, MH (36), S (45) and US (39) were arrested in different locations.

“The suspect’s mode of MH he claimed was the Brunei foreign national. He admitted that a foreign national who had 500 pieces of cellphone wanted to sell, “said the Head of the Public Relations Division of Metro Jaya Police, Police Commissioner Argo Yuwono in Jakarta on Friday (7/19/2019).

According to him, the victims were targeted at malls in the Jatinegara area, East Jakarta. As the initial mode of the question by means of the suspect MH pretending to borrow matches to the victim. Furthermore, MH will invite victims to chat and be invited as citizens from Brunei.

Then, the suspect S came and approached together. He will accept as someone who works at Pertamina and a friend from MH. To convince his victims, S will choose neatly as office workers

“Then the MH suspect whispered the victim, he had a 500 unit cellphone and was willing to sell. If it is sold, the father (victim) will give a 15 percent fee, but the conditions for borrowing an account. With deception (the suspect), the victim obeys and gives the account number, “Argo said.

So the victim is caught up in the suspect’s deception, the victim will be taken to the nearest ATM to choose the initial balance in the victim’s account. At that time, the suspect will begin to launch an action to extort money from the victim.

“Right now it’s okay, because I was given 15 percent (victims) he (victim and suspect) finally entered the ATM. The amount of money I received earlier. “The victim enters the ATM card and presses the pin and pin requested,” he said.

“When it’s okay to see the balance and get the card out, somehow the card can be exchanged for a fake one. After getting (the victim’s ATM card) the suspect left, “Argo said.

Then the suspects drained the victim’s ATM card. What is meant by that is the action taken from the plot. Where from the act of deception, the three managed to pocket Rp100 million.

“They claimed five times in action and three people (suspects) were arrested in North Jakarta in the same case,” Argo said

Article 363 of the Criminal Code, 378 of the Criminal Code and Article 3, 4, 5 of the Article 2 paragraph (1) letter P and R of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 8 of 2010 concerning spending and spending on money laundering assistance. All three were threatened with a sentence of 20 years in prison. [MIL]
