Bring Sabu Chinese citizens arrested in Apartment 18 Kg

TRANSINDONESIA.CO – Range West Jakarta Metro Police arrested a Chinese citizen with the initials LF, 37 years, because it has a kind of narcotic methamphetamine. Suspect arrested in Apartment Mediterranean Palace Residence Unit A / 29 / AE, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Police Commissioner Rudi Heriyanto Adi Nugroho said the foreigners were caught distributing drugs in West Jakarta. 18 kilograms of shabu-shabu seized from his residence.

“But fitting we searched actors on the scene, he did not bring the evidence. We just found the key which is the key of the apartment actors in the Mediterranean Palace Residence, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta,” said the police chief told reporters at the police station Metro West Jakarta, Thursday ( 03.24.2016).

Narkoba jenis sabu-sabu.
Evidence of narcotics. [Doc]
According to the police chief, the arrest originated from the information society that a man would make transactions methamphetamine in Jalan Mangga Besar Raya, Taman Sari, West Jakarta, Tuesday, March 15.

After being arrested, the officer asks the suspect to show hideout illicit goods. Turns out he kept it in his suitcase.

“We succeeded in securing evidence 18 kg of crystal methamphetamine, if this dirupiahkan be approximately Rp24 billion and can save 80 thousand people” he said.

Performers will be charged under Article 114 of the Criminal Code and Article 112 of the Narcotics Criminal Code, under penalty of 20 years in prison.

“From the recognition of the perpetrator, evidence was obtained from a colleague in China named Cen Keu (DPO). He usually sent by sea which is then forwarded to the ground,” added the police chief. [Min]
