The Nigerians Scamming Businessmen on Facebook


TRANSINDONESIA.CO – Aparat That Metro Raya membekuk a Citizen of Nigeria who are suspected to be involved fraud through social media (Facebook) to women berprofesi businessman with a loss Rp800 million.

“We’re still developing,” said Director Reserse Criminal Public That Metro Raya Big the Police Commissioner Krishna Murti in Jakarta Weeks (6/9/2015).

Krishna revealed the suspect run mode make account Facebook fake profile with a photo of a soldier on duty at the United Nations (UN).

Citizens of foreign origin the African Continent it sends a message through the message box Facebook contains will send the money the Dollar of the United States there is the ancient emblem of THE united nations to the victim.

Before the suspect sent the money, the victim is asked to transfer the amount of funds that will be used to buy a liquid to remove the logo of THE united nations on the money that dollar.

Krishna menuturkan victims believe with the offer suspect so menyanggupi hand over the money until Rp800 million.

The suspect claimed would send someone to deliver the money that dollar to the victim.

Next, the suspect claiming to be the messenger of the army of THE united states that met the victim in one of the hotels around South Jakarta, Friday (28/8/2015).

Krishna propose the suspect displayed a box containing money dollars berstempel United Nation” (UN) or THE united nations.

Over the money showed, the suspect told the victim to send money as requested until it reaches the Rp800 million. Until the time promised the suspect, the victim does not receive any money bucks in the area.(Dam)
