Operation Windmill Roll Tissue Drug Freddy

Kabareskrim Hq Polri Komjen Pol Budi Waseso show evidence drugs are brought in - network international.(ist)
Kabareskrim Hq Polri Komjen Pol Budi Waseso show evidence drugs are brought in – network international.(ist)

TRANSINDONESIA.CO – Officer of the joint chiefs of Directorate crime Drugs Hq Polri and institution who joined in Operation windmill 2015, managed to trace the network out of the country led by Freddy Gentleman, in the Pearl Park Palm Ruko CBD Block A2 It 16, Cengkareng, West Jakarta. Freddy is terpidana dead case the drug was a matter of time execution.

Kabareskrim Hq Polri Komjen Pol Budi Waseso, the network is a group of long controlled from inside the Correctional Institution (Warden).

“This network long did it, not new people, but it’s been a long time. We follow’ve been in three months,” said Budi Waseso.

According to Budi Waseso, the suspect who secured is Freddy Gentleman (38), Yanto (50), Aries (36), Latif (34), Gimo (46), Asun (24), Henny (37), Riski (22), dvd subtitles (38), Kimung (31), Andre (30), and Asiong (50).

Evidence seized from Ruko Pearl Park Palm is 50 thousand rounds of suspected ecstasy from the Netherlands, 800 grams of sabu allegedly from Pakistan, 122nd sheet narcotics shaped stamps are suspected of Belgium, 20 unit cell.

Then the officers also seized, one unit of the printing press ecstasy, one test tube, 25 kilograms of raw material ecstasy, one kilogram of material dye, 10 kilograms of material to solvent, one digital scales, the scales manually, one device a heater, a cooling device, a roll alumunium my foils, and one filter.

“Mode operadi that they make and print ecstasy, menyelendupkan ecstasy from the Netherlands, sabu, selling narcotics kind of sabu and ecstasy,” he said.

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Before, Directorate crime Drugs, Bareskrim Polri after the network cartels terpidana dead Freddy Gentleman, who lived in Holland, which is Laosan aka Boncel supplier 50 thousand pills of ecstasy to Indonesia in operation with the password windmill 2015.

“There was one guy the perpetrator of no in Indonesia, because he’s sender drugs from the Netherlands,” ujar Kabareskrim Hq Polri, Komjen Pol Budi Waseso in a press conference at the Pearl Garden Palm, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, Tuesday (14/4/2015).

It is said Budi Waseso, his side will coordinate with the police department Holland to catch Boncel.

“We follow this network for two months more. It’s not easy, because of the need to be precise and precautionary,” said Budi Waseso.

According to him, his side has seized 50 thousand-grain pills of ecstasy origin the Netherlands sent from Germany through Pakistan are packed in a snack speak Dutch.

“It’s 54 thousand grains, and this is made of one grain of the Netherlands diolah again so three points with a quality less and then can reach of one million pills of ecstasy. Then there’s the CC4 is a postage stamp, a new kind of drug,” add Budi Waseso.

To the public Budi Waseso asked to be more careful with the narcotics, especially when it’s just a postage stamp. In this case, the police with the Institution Swadaya Society (NGOS) like a Grenade and Customs for narrow space motion the distribution of narcotics.

“We cooperate with a Grenade, and including Customs for narrow space motion of narcotics so that generation of the nation’s not broken,” ujar-star general three.(dam/her)
