2 French Journalists Detained Immigration Permanent Jayapura

Jayapura immigration office.(doc)
Jayapura immigration office.(doc)

TRANSINDONESIA.CO – Request lawyer two French journalists, namely Charles Thomas Dandois (40) and Loise Maria Valentina Baurrat (29) to be rejected and city prisoners still languishing diruang both immigration custody in Jayapura Jayapura.

The rejection of the request of the lawyer’s legal team Todung Mulya Lubis was carried out with a variety of considerations, said Chief Immigration Tampubolon Substation in Jayapura Jayapura, Monday (09/01/2014).

It is said, the two French nationals who claimed to work at Arte TV France it went to Indonesia on a tourist visa.

“Now we will add incarceration to complete the file is still being worked on,” said Tampubolon adding new BAP approximately 50 percent.

According to the substation, two tourists had previously be deposited in the custody of Papua police headquarters but with different considerations ultimately they are not deposited.

To meet the second filing was a French citizen, said substation, investigators have requested information from witnesses in Wamena given both before police arrested on Wednesday (08/06/2014) had a meeting with the pro-independence groups.

Therefore, both accused of violating the Act Keimigrasi sebagimana contained in article 122 of the Law of 2011. The law mentioned misusing permissions granted to foreigners, said substation Tampubolon.(ant/kum)
