Indian conspirators, Indian nationals kidnapped Arrested

ilustrasi-penculikan Illustration abduction

TRANSINDONESIA.CO – Metro Police Board Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta Metro Police Arrested a gang of kidnappers who are foreign citizens of Indian descent.

The victim was Aldo Minhas, citizen and his three Indian nationals, ie Charat Singh Brar, Amarjeet Singh and Baljinder Singh.

Four actors successfully confined in the region of Purwakarta, West Java, on Thursday (06/12/2014).

Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police Commissioner Rikwanto said the arrest stemmed from a report on the victim’s kin (06.08.2014) ago.

“We secure the four suspects, one of the which Purwakarta Police officers,” said Head of Public Relations told Reporters on Friday (13/06/2014).

The suspects namely Balpreet Singh, 43 years, Canada WN derivative India, Sandip Kumar alias Nani, 33 years old, WN India, Armendeep Singh Brar, 41, WN American Indian derivatives, and R, 30 years old, were the members of Purwakarta Police .

Head of Public Relations, said on Saturday (07/06/2014) at approximately 23:30 pm a plot to kidnap actor Amarjeet Singh of Seven Eleven next to Golden Truli Jalan Gunung Sahari, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta first.

“Then they kidnapped Aldo Minhas, Charat Singh Brar, and Baljinder Singh of Bangi Kopi Tiam Samanhudi, they forced the victim into the two cars Daihatsu Terios, then all went to Purwakarta through the toll,” said Rikwanto.

During the trip, the suspect R roomates is a member of police officers hold up the victim so that the victim does not scream. The fourth victim also gets torture. Aldo Suffered a broken leg, and the other three Victims Suffered bruises on his back, arms, legs and head.

“The victim has been done Visum Et Repertum and files will be coated again with Article 170 of the Criminal Code of persecution,” said Rikwanto.

Police are still steeped in the abduction motif. Five witnesses have been questioned. While the evidence that the police secured the white cypress Terios cars plate number T 1565 DX, one firearm shoots Police departments belonging to individual members in Purwakarta, a wooden stick, a unit of HP, laptops, passbook, ATM, and flash. (Dam)
